
Friday, May 24, 2013

Spirit Week at Nath's School

This week was pretty exciting for my little boy's kindergarten class. It's fun seeing them all dressed up for Spirit Week, they're just so cute. I'm glad that Nath actually wanted to join in on the fun. When he was in preschool, there were times when he didn't want to wear what they are supposed to wear for school that day, and that made those mornings very, very frustrating. I guess he really is growing up (sniffle sniffle).

Okay, now for the fun part - showing the pictures! 

Now here was Day 1 of Spirit Week, Sunglasses Day...

This is Sunglasses Day at my son's school for Spirit Week.

Day 2 was Shorts Day...

This is the 2nd day of Spirit Week at my son's school - shorts day.

Day 3 is my favorite - Hollywood Day! Note: This was his choice of clothes, not mine...

This is Hollywood Day for Spirit Week at my son's school.

The minute he walked in the classroom, his teacher said, "You look like a producer or director. The man with the money." So funny.

The 4th day was Hawaiian Lei Day...

This is Hawaiian Lei Day for Spirit Week at my son's school.

He took off the lei after a few minutes and just laid it down on his desk. He said it's too uncomfortable.

Then Day 5 was Hawaiian Day...

This is my son wearing a Hawaiian shirt for Spirit Week.

I was genuinely surprised that he wanted to wear this. They had a Hawaiian Day in preschool before and he threw a fit when I tried to put a Hawaiian shirt on him. He said that Hawaiian shirts are girly, I have no idea where he got that.

So yeah, that was Nath's Spirit Week. His class is going to have a musical performance in about a couple of weeks. And I'm super excited to see it!


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